Levita (Female Sorceress)

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Levita (Female Sorceress) ,Resin printed in high level detail for tabletop gaming such as D&D 5e.

Lore behind this character is found at the bottom of the description This model comes with a 30mm base and the model seperate, which can be glued together. This model comes in the colour grey and is unpainted.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. This model design and the digital render is by the creator at RN Estudio and part of the July Release, who can be found at https://www.patreon.com/rnestudio (I have the designers permission to sell these models)

Lore: Beings who can alter reality or the laws of nature are often seen as gods, demigods or avatars. If Levita is one of them, she either doesn’t tell or she doesn’t know herself. But her powers are nevertheless incredible. Fightermages and the like who can wield magic and their weapons with equal ease are a rare sight in the kingdoms. Levita is another league altogether. Levitating, augmenting the power of her sword and summoning the elements themselves at a whim are but a fraction of the forces under Levita’s command.